What are community groups?
As you continue your health journey, you’ll find it invaluable to connect with others on a similar path. On PLM, members share their stories and learn from each other in community groups based on different health conditions and interests. Groups make it easy to have community conversations with members like you, plus we’ll share exclusive PLM tools, resources and more to help you on your health journey. Think of each group as a one-stop shop for everything related to connecting with other people about your condition! We encourage all members to check out the guidelines for sharing here.
Exploring My Community
As you update your profile, we’ll automatically add groups to your My Community menu that we think will be helpful for you. If you join any groups as you explore PLM, we’ll add them to the menu here, too.
Getting an Overview
The Overview page brings together the latest updates from all your community groups in one convenient place. You'll also be able to browse and join other groups that interest you, meet members and join events all from the menu on the left.
Clicking into a Community Group, you’ll see a similar menu with options like discussions, PLM exclusive resources, members and more!
A great way to get started in a group is through group discussion pages. All members are welcome to start a discussion or join in discussions that are already taking place. If you haven’t posted before, feel free to introduce yourself and share your story. Click on a discussion to check it out or click “Start a new discussion” to begin something new.
Other Tips for Sharing
As you jump into discussions, you can tag other members with the ‘@’ symbol in the discussions so they can receive a notification that you mentioned them. For example, to tag ‘member123’ in a discussion thread or group, you would type ‘@member123’ and choose them from the drop-down menu.
We encourage members to share relevant news stories, journal articles, and blog posts with the community. We do ask that members include a reference/link back to the source. Personal blogs can be linked when labeled appropriately. They can be shared in the discussion thread with the subject “External Blog Post: Your title here”. PatientsLikeMe is not responsible for the content of linked blogs.
PatientsLikeMe members are not permitted to solicit members or promote for personal gain, including for any medical research studies, projects or fundraisers. You can read more about the Policy on linking and solicitation here.
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